Since v16.0, React allows us to return multiple elements from the render function by wrapping them in an array. In previous versions, it was necessary to wrap multiple elements into a single parent, which resulted in...Read more
Redux Saga is a library that aims to make an application's side effects easier to manage, more efficient to run, easy to test, and better at handling failures. Today we will learn how to install and configure Redux Saga with TypeScript in an application built with Create React App in a few...Read more
In my blog, I already talked about some ways to optimize the performance of the application like the useMemo hook or the React.memo higher-order component (HOC). Today we will learn about the useCallback, which allows us to memoize functions and preserve them...Read more
In React, returning multiple elements from a single component is a common scenario. For this to work properly, all of these elements should be wrapped in a parent element (we do not consider returning arrays from render...Read more
In React, changing the state of the parent component triggers a re-render of the entire component tree. This often leads to the unnecessary rendering of child components, whose props have not actually changed. Undoubtedly, this slows down the application, especially if...Read more
Developers usually have a set of tools that they use on a daily basis when developing various projects. They help to set up the project, speed up the development process, test the final result, and make it accessible to the end-users...Read more
This warning is one of the most popular warnings React developers face. I am one hundred percent sure that every developer has encountered it at least once and did not know why it appeared and how to get rid of it. First of all...Read more
React and Redux are great tools that can be used together to build web or mobile applications of varying size and complexity. Even though React is extremely fast "out-of-the-box", as the application grows, it is difficult to keep it...Read more
React Context API was created to solve a major problem that almost every application has faced - Prop Drilling. Well-written React applications contain many small components that communicate with...Read more