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Volodymyr Hudyma
<FrontEndDeveloper />
Table Of Contents(Articles: 145)

The Limitations And Security Of LocalStorage In JavaScript

December 11, 2020

LocalStorage is a widely used Web Storage that is used to keep the data local in the user's browser. The data stored there has no expiry date, i.e. it remains stored until it is deleted with the code or manually by the...Read more


A Complete Guide To Server-Sent Events In JavaScript

December 06, 2020

When it comes to developing an application that enables real-time operations, the first thing that comes to mind is WebSockets, which is fine, but there are other options that need to be considered. One of them is Server-Sent Events...Read more


Cancel A Request In JavaScript

November 29, 2020

Aborting requests built on top of Promises was never an easy thing to do (if at all possible) until AbortController and AbortSignal were added to the JavaScript specification. They allow developers to use a signal to abort one or...Read more


Learn And Invert A Binary Search Tree In JavaScript

November 22, 2020

One of the most popular questions asked to software developers in an interview is "How do you invert a Binary Search Tree?" The truth is that many of us do not even know what a Binary Search Tree is, let alone...Read more


The Right Way Of Logging With Console API In JavaScript

November 12, 2020

In JavaScript, the Console API provides access to the debugging console in the browser. It provides us with a number of methods that we can use, but most developers are not even aware of half of them...Read more


Everything About Set And WeakSet In JavaScript

November 05, 2020

The ES6 release introduced two new JavaScript objects - Set and WeakSet, which are very similar to Arrays in that they allow elements to be stored. Unlike Arrays, however, Sets and WeakSets cannot store...Read more


Everything About Map And WeakMap In JavaScript

November 02, 2020

Map and WeakMap objects were introduced with the ES6 release. They were developed to be used as an alternative to Objects as key-value storage. Unlike Objects, that are limited to having a...Read more


9 Ways To Convert Float To Integer In JavaScript

October 19, 2020

The conversion of floating point numbers to integers is a common task when creating web applications. Although there are numerous ways to do this in JavaScript, developers often know no other way than to use the...Read more


BroadcastChannel API In JavaScript

October 17, 2020

Imagine you open an application on two different tabs and perform an action on one of them. Normally, the action is expected to apply to all open tabs, but this is not the case for the vast majority of applications...Read more

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