Stack is a linear data structure of a LIFO (Last In - First Out) or FILO (First In - Last Out) type, which means that the last element added to the stack is also the first to be taken out. Think of a stack as a constrained array - you can only...Read more
In JavaScript, there are many data structures designed to solve common problems. Knowing them is a must for a good developer to be able to manipulate the data efficiently. Today we will learn about one of the most basic and popular data structures...Read more
One of the essential things to understand when getting started with JavaScript is how to check if two values are equal. JavaScript provides three ways to do this: Abstract Equality Operator (==), Strict Equality Operator (===), and...Read more
The concept of Closures is not an easy thing to wrap your head around. Many experienced developers still have trouble understanding it, let alone explaining it to a colleague or in an interview for a new job. Today we will learn it with..Read more
Currying is the technique of converting functions that take multiple arguments into a sequence of functions that each take a single argument. A curried function acts as Higher-Order Function, which allows functions to be created with some predefined data...Read more
Reduce is one of the most difficult to understand, but the most powerful built-in array methods. It helps us perform different kinds of actions on an array without writing a lot of boilerplate code. Basically, it...Read more
Keeping your bundle small is one of the most important things that can be done for performance optimization reasons. The larger the bundle, the more time it takes users to download, which means they cannot....Read more
When it comes to working with dates in JavaScript applications, nobody wants to mess with the Date object and looks for some ready-made libraries that allow easy handling of dates. One of the most popular libraries is MomentJS - a JavaScript date library...Read more
Since today is the day before Christmas, I thought I'd share with you a great tool I have been actively using for the past year to quickly run my JavaScript code. I often find myself in situations, where I need to experiment with some code I found on StackOverflow or somewhere...Read more