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Type Guards In TypeScript

August 30, 2021

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    If you work with Typescript of a regular basis, you know that it provides developers with a large feature list that is frequently updated with new stuff.

    One of the things from that list that you may have been using for years without realizing it are Type Guards.

    What Is A Type Guard?

    A Type Guard is a special form of code that helps narrow down the type of variables within a conditional block, such as if ... else if ... else statement or switch.

    It performs a runtime check that guarantees the type in a scope.

    I fully understand that the above statements may sound unclear especially to less experienced programmers at this point, so let's take a look at the following TypeScript code:

    const formatPrice = (price: number | string) => {
        Property "toFixed" does not exist on type "string | number"
        Property "toFixed" does not exist on type "string" 
      return price.toFixed(2);

    The formatPrice function formats the provided value, which can be either a number or a string, into the 00.00 format, so that if the provided value is 10, the output is 10.00.

    However, it contains an error and TypeScript warns us about it - Property "toFixed" does not exist on type "string", which means that the toFixed() method can only be executed on number type.

    Sure, it's possible to disallow accepting type string, but in some cases it's not obvious which type of a value is coming, so it's better to handle both to be safe.

    The above code should be refactored with an if statement that checks for the string type and converts an argument to a number, so that the toFixed() method can be safely executed on it:

    const formatPrice = (price: number | string) => {
      // "price" is of a "number | string" type
      if (typeof price === "string") {
        // "price" is of a "string" type
        return parseInt(price, 10).toFixed(2);
      // "price" is of a "number" type
      return price.toFixed(2);

    Hovering over the price variable in different places in the function shows that the variable is of a different type.

    TypeScript is smart enough to understand that the variable inside the if statement can only be of a string type.

    Moreover, it understands that outside of the if statement, the variable is of a number type.

    This is exactly when we hit the first Type Guard.


    When the typeof operator is used inside the conditional, it is considered a special form of code by a TypeScript - Type Guard:

    if (typeof price === "string") {
      // ..

    TypeScript follows all possible paths of code execution to analyze the possible type or types of a value at a given place of code.

    When it encounters Type Guards or assignments, it tries to refine the types to more specific ones and this process is called narrowing.

    Narrowing is the process of going from an infinite number of possible cases to a smaller, finite number.

    It is worth to mention that the typeof operator gives very limited information about the type of the value.

    It is expected to return only one of the following values: string, number, bigint, boolean, symbol, undefined, object, function:

    const a = "a";
    console.log(typeof a); // "string"
    const b = 1;
    console.log(typeof b); // "number"
    const c = BigInt("1");
    console.log(typeof c); // "bigint"
    const d = false;
    console.log(typeof d); // "boolean"
    const e = new Symbol("a");
    console.log(typeof e); // "symbol"
    const f = undefined;
    console.log(typeof f); // "undefined"
    const g = new Date("2021-09-01");
    console.log(typeof g); // "object"!!
    const h = () => {};
    console.log(typeof h); // "function"
    const i = null;
    console.log(typeof i); // "object"!!

    Important Note: Remember that typeof null is an object.

    To get more precise information about the type of an object, use the instanceof operator, because in some cases it is necessary to check whether the specified value is an instance of A or B.

    This is not possible to do with typeof, because it only returns object.


    The instanceof operator checks whether the value is an instance of another value or not:

    const a = new Date("2021-09-01");
    console.log(a instanceof Date); // "true"
    console.log(typeof a); // "object"
    class User {};
    const b = new User();
    console.log(b instanceof User); // "true"
    console.log(typeof b); // "object"

    When we write the following code: a instanceof Date, we check whether the prototype chain of a contains Date.prototype.

    Obviously, instanceof is also a Type Guard, since TypeScript is able to narrow down the type of a value in statements that are guarded with it:

    const formatDate = (value: Date | string) => {
      // "value" is of a "string | Date" type
      if (value instanceof Date) {
        // "value" is of a "Date" type
        return value.toUTCString();
      // "value" is of a "string" type
      return new Date(value).toUTCString();
    console.log(formatDate(new Date("2021-09-01"))); // "Wed, 01 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT"
    console.log(formatDate("2021-09-01")); // "Wed, 01 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT"


    The in operator does not check the type, but does check if the object contains a property and can be used as Type Guard:

    const user = {
      name: "John",
    console.log("name" in user); // "true"
    console.log("surname" in user); // "false" branch

    Consider the following example:

    interface Human {
      speak: () => void;
    interface Animal {
      voice: () => void;
    const saySomething = (being: Human | Animal) => {
      // "being" is of a "Human | Animal" type
      if ("speak" in being) {
        // "being" is of a "Human" type
        return being.speak();
      // "being" is of a "Animal" type
      return being.voice();

    In the above example, we used in operator to check if the being contains speak() property and TypeScript was able to narrow down the type in the "true" branch to Human.

    Otherwise, in the "false" branch, the type was narrowed down to Animal, so we can safely call the voice() method without worrying whether being contains it or not.

    This was a simple example, but what if we had more Union Types?

    interface Human {
      speak: () => void;
    interface Dog {
      voice: () => void;
    interface Cat {
      voice: () => void;
    const saySomething = (being: Human | Dog | Cat) => {
      // "being" is of a "Human | Dog | Cat" type
      if ("speak" in being) {
        // "being" is of a "Human" type
        return being.speak();
      // "being" is of a "Dog | Cat" type
      return being.voice();

    The only difference is that in the "false" branch, being is of a Dog | Cat type, but fortunately both contain the voice() method, so no error is shown when we call it.

    In the world where cats can not talk, we would have gotten an error because we may have called a non-existent method:

    // ...
    interface Cat {
      voice?: () => void;
    const saySomething = (being: Human | Dog | Cat) => {
      if ("speak" in being) {
        return being.speak();
        Cannot invoke an object which is possibly "undefined".
      return being.voice();

    The simplest solution may be to check if the voice() method exists and call it if so:

    // ...
    const saySomething = (being: Human | Dog | Cat) => {
      // ...
      return being.voice && being.voice();

    Literal Type Guards

    TypeScript allows us to create Literal Types, which are more concrete subtypes of collective types.

    To begin with, did you know that when you declare a string const variable, TypeScript assigns its type to a Literal Type, not a string?

    const greeting = "Hi"; // The type of "greeting" is "Hi", not "string"

    On the other hand, when you declare a string let variable, which may change in the future, TypeScript assigns its type to string:

    let greeting = "Hi"; // The type of "greeting" is "string", not "Hi"

    To distinguish between Literal Types, you can use one of these operators: ===, !==, ==, !=:

    type Car = "audi" | "bmw" | "mercedes";
    const chooseCar = (car: Car) => {
      if (car === "audi") {
        return "Vorsprung durch Technik";
      } else if (car === "bmw") {
        return "Sheer Driving Pleasure";
      } else {
        return "The best or nothing";

    If we accidentally add a non-valid condition when the type has already been narrowed down, we will immediately get a hint from TypeScript:

    type Car = "audi" | "bmw" | "mercedes";
    const chooseCar = (car: Car) => {
      if (car === "audi") {
          This condition will always return "false" 
          Since the types "audi" and "bmw" have no overlap
        if (car === "bmw") {}
        return "Vorsprung durch Technik";
      } else if (car === "bmw") {
        return "Sheer Driving Pleasure";
      } else {
        return "The best or nothing";

    That should be clear, now let us look at a more advanced example with Unions containing Literal Types:

    interface Audi {
      type: "sedan";
      drive: () => void;
    interface Bmw {
      type: "hatchback";
      race: () => void;
    const chooseCar = (car: Audi | Bmw) => {
      // "car" is of a "Audi | Bmw" type
      if (car.type === "sedan") {
        // "car" is of a "Audi" type
        return car.drive();
      // "car" is of a "Bmw" type
      return car.race();

    Now, inside of the if statement the type of car is Audi, outside - Bmw.

    Custom Type Guards

    If the built-in Type Guards are not enough, which can happen in some special cases, there is a possibility to create custom, or User Defined Type Guards.

    To create a custom Type Guard, you must define a function whose return type is a Type Predicates.

    A Type Predicate has the following form: parameterName is Type, where parameterName must be the name of a parameter from the current function signature.

    Let's create a custom Type Guard with the car is Audi Predicate:

    interface Audi {
      drive: () => void;
    interface Bmw {
      race: () => void;
    const isAudi = (car: Audi | Bmw): car is Audi => {
      return (car as Audi).drive() !== undefined;

    Basically, we check whether the car argument contains the drive() method.

    If yes - then we know that the type of a car is Audi, otherwise - Bmw.

    Let's refactor the last example from the previous section with a custom Type Guard:

    interface Audi {
      drive: () => void;
    interface Bmw {
      race: () => void;
    const isAudi = (car: Audi | Bmw): car is Audi => {
      return (car as Audi).drive() !== undefined;
    const chooseCar = (car: Audi | Bmw) => {
      // "car" is of a "Audi | Bmw" type
      if (isAudi(car)) {
        // "car" is of a "Audi" type
        return car.drive();
      // "car" is of a "Bmw" type
      return car.race();

    In summary, every time isAudi() is called, TypeScript will narrow the passed variable down to Audi type if the original type is compatible.

    Generic Type Guards

    If you are familiar with Generics in TypeScript, you might have noticed that the above Type Guard can be refactored with them.

    While it's not obvious because we only created one Type Guard, the pattern is similar if we want to add more:

    interface Audi {
      drive: () => void;
    interface Bmw {
      race: () => void;
    const isAudi = (car: Audi | Bmw): car is Audi => {
      return (car as Audi).drive() !== undefined;
    const isBmw = (car: Audi | Bmw): car is Bmw => {
      return (car as Bmw).race() !== undefined;

    We don't respect the DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself), one of the most important principles in software development.

    Let's create a generic Type Guard:

    const isOfType = <T>(value: any, property: keyof T): value is T =>
      (value as T)[property] !== undefined;

    And use it:

    interface Audi {
      drive: () => void;
    interface Bmw {
      race: () => void;
    const isOfType = <T>(value: any, property: keyof T): value is T =>
      (value as T)[property] !== undefined;
    const chooseCar = (car: Audi | Bmw) => {
      // "car" is of a "Audi | Bmw" type
      if (isOfType<Audi>(car, "drive")) {
        // "car" is of a "Audi" type
        return car.drive();
      // "car" is of a "Bmw" type
      return car.race();

    Now you don't need to create a new function for each new type that arrives, just use the existing isOfType() method and be sure to be type-safe at runtime.


    Make sure you use Type Guards wisely, as it can rely heavily on the assumption that the specific method or property only applies to the given type, which may or may not be true, but may also change in the future.

    Consider the following example:

    interface Audi {
      drive: () => void;
    interface Bmw {
      race: () => void;
    interface Mercedes {
      drive: () => void;
    const isOfType = <T>(value: any, property: keyof T): value is T =>
      (value as T)[property] !== undefined;
    const chooseCar = (car: Audi | Bmw | Mercedes) => {
      // "car" is of a "Audi | Bmw | Mercedes" type
      if (isOfType<Audi>(car, "drive")) {
          We think that the "car" is of a "Audi" type
          But in fact, it can be "Audi | Mercedes"
          Since both interfaces contain "drive()" method
        return car.drive();
      // "car" is of a "Bmw" type
      return car.race();

    Adding a new Mercedes type that contains the same method as Audi does not break the code, but TypeScript now shows that the car inside the if statement is Audi, but it can also be Mercedes.

    This can be a big and hard to debug problem in more complex applications, so be aware of it.

    Type Guards With Callbacks

    It is not assumed by TypeScript that Type Guards remain active in callbacks, as such an assumption can lead to unexpected bugs:

    interface User {
      name: string;
      address?: {
        street: string;
    const user: User = {
      name: "John",
    const formatStreet = (callback: () => void) => {
    if (user.address) {
      formatStreet(() => {
        // Object is possibly "undefined"

    Although we checked if the user.address exists, we get an error in the callback function, passed to formatStreet().

    There is a simple solution - declare a local variable that stores the user.address:

    // ...
    if (user.address) {
      const { address } = user;
      formatStreet(() => {

    If you want to learn even more about Type Guards and type narrowing in TypeScript, read the official documentation, which is the most accurate and complete source.

    Assign Type Guard To Variable

    What would happen if you moved the Type Guard out of the condition and assigned it to a variable, like this?

    const formatPrice = (price: number | string) => {
      const isString = typeof price === "string";
      if (isString) {
          Property "toFixed" does not exist on type "string | number"
          Property "toFixed" does not exist on type "string" 
        return parseInt(price, 10).toFixed(2);
        Property "toFixed" does not exist on type "string | number"
        Property "toFixed" does not exist on type "string" 
      return price.toFixed(2);

    There would be an error if you are using TypeScript version < 4.4 - for some reason TypeScript loses the information about the Type Guard.

    Fortunately, this bug has been fixed in version 4.4, which is mentioned in the release announcement on the Microsoft Blog.


    Type Guards are special forms of code that help narrow down the type of the variable within a conditional block, such as if ... else if ... else statement or switch.

    They are executed at runtime and guarantee the type in a scope.

    Narrowing down types with Type Guards is extremely useful when you get a bunch of types and need to run code that differs for different types.

    You can't use the same built-in function for numbers and strings as was shown in the first example, can you?

    The good thing is that besides the built-in function Type Guards, there is also the possibility to define your own functions by using Type Predicates.

    Be sure to check if the given Type Guard is suitable for your needs, because there are some non-obvious cases that can easily break your app if it is at least a little more complex than simple.

    Hope you learned something new today and see you in the next article!

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    May 04, 2022
    This article was great, could you do one with Api responses?
    August 30, 2021
    nice article, I liked the generic type guard especially :D