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Volodymyr Hudyma
<FrontEndDeveloper />
Table Of Contents(Articles: 145)

React Hooks: UseImmer And UseImmerReducer

May 19, 2021

Probably every React developer is familiar with a useState hook, which is used to add state to functional components. But updating a state with it can be a nightmare when you store an object with many nested properties, one of which...Read more


React Hooks: useLayoutEffect

May 13, 2021

React provides us with a useLayoutEffect hook to improve our applications in some specific cases, however not everyone is aware of how to use it. It works pretty much the same as useEffect, however they are executed after different...Read more


Improve Your State Handling With Immer

May 02, 2021

In React, state is treated as immutable and should never be modified directly, but either by using a helper function or by overwriting the entire state object with a completely new one. In some cases, this can be frustrating because you have to copy several nested levels of data to change only...Read more


Detect Mobile Device In React

April 23, 2021

In some cases you need to identify whether your application is being viewed from the desktop or mobile device. It might be useful to prevent expensive computations from being performed on mobile devices, as they are not as...Read more


Create A Blog With Gatsby And Netlify CMS In 10 Minutes

April 07, 2021

Creating a website has never been easier than it is now. There is an enormous amount of tools available for building a website of varying complexity - from a small landing page to a huge web application that processes hundreds of thousands of...Read more


Can't Read Environment Variable In React?

March 26, 2021

Many developers use create-react-app to generate a boilerplate needed to quickly start developing a React application. It gives you the option to define Environment Variables is a special file named .env. All variables defined in...Read more


Better Form Handling With Formik In React

March 23, 2021

Forms play a crucial role in modern web development by providing a way to collect information from customers. Handling them well is a must to avoid losing data due to a silly validation mistake or bug in the code, which is not always...Read more


Serve Build Folder In React

March 01, 2021

In some special cases, you may need to run the React production application locally. For example, if in the development environment the app works fine, but the production environment contains some strange errors. Debugging in the production is generally bad and time-consuming...Read more


How To Make Your React Application SEO-Friendly?

February 26, 2021

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website from search engines. An enormous number of people use Google as a tool to search for information, so it is extremely important that your website is ranked...Read more

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