The search is fundamental for every programming language. Having a lot of data structures without the ability to search through them sounds like a waste of time. There are many ways to perform a search operation, some are slower, others faster...Read more
A linked list is the linear collection of data whose order is not given by their physical placement in memory (unlike array). Instead, each element contains a reference to the next one...Read more
Today we will learn how to update (nested) Arrays/Objects in an immutable way. This is a must-know, especially if you create your projects in React using the Redux library, so prepare well and let's get started...Read more
Immutability is one of the core principles of functional programming. It has been around for a long time, but has recently evolved into the JavaScript community. To understand it better, let's first find out what is mutability and why it should be avoided...Read more
JavaScript supports a lot of operators that serve many purposes, such as assigning, comparing values, performing arithmetic operations, and much more. As was to be expected, there are the most and the less popular ones...Read more
Server-side rendering has become increasingly popular in recent years. By using it, we can do many things that are not possible with a client-side rendering approach. However, it also has some drawbacks, like...Read more
Generator function - a special kind of function that can stop midway and continue execution from the place where it stopped. This function returns a generator object, which conforms to both - iterable and iterator protocol...Read more
The nullish coalescing operator "??" is a logical operator that returns right-side operand if left side equals to null or undefined, otherwise returns left side. If you're familiar with the logical OR operator, you may wonder what's the difference between it and nullish coalescing operator...Read more
When dealing with complex objects or API responses it is a common thing to access nested properties. In order to make sure the property is reachable without any errors being thrown, we have to make sure each of its parent properties exists...Read more