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You Are Here: Home/Can't Read Environment Variable In React?

Can't Read Environment Variable In React?

March 26, 2021

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    Many developers use create-react-app to generate a boilerplate needed to quickly start developing a React application.

    It gives you the option to define Environment Variables is a special file named .env.

    All variables defined in this file are accessible in the code via process.env.<VARIABLE_NAME>.

    Define Environment Variable

    First, open the project and create .env file in the root directory:

    Create .env File

    To define Environment Variable, open the .env file and paste the following code:


    We have just defined our first variable, great.

    Next, save the changes, close the file and navigate to App.jsx and read the variable:

    const App = () => {
      return <div className="App">Hello, world</div>;

    Start the project:

    yarn start

    And note that undefined was output to the console:

    Undefined In The Console

    Do you know why?

    Gotcha #1

    The first mistake we made is not reloading our app after defining an Environment Variable.

    Remember that Environment Variables are embedded during build time.

    Any change in the .env file requires an application to be reloaded.

    Let's do this and try again:

    Undefined Once Again

    Still no success, let's find out why.

    Gotcha #2

    The second thing to remember is that, for security reasons, create-react-app does not allow you to define Environment Variables that do not start with the REACT_APP_ prefix.

    Our variable name is definitely wrong and will not work.

    Let's change it:


    And in the App.jsx:

    const App = () => {
      return <div className="App">Hello, world</div>;
    export default App;

    Reload an application and check the console:

    Variable Works

    Hooray, we got it to work.


    The two most important things to remember when defining Environment Variables in a project bootstrapped with create-react-app are:

    • Always reload your application after making a change to the .env file
    • Always prefix your variables with REACT_APP_
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    November 11, 2022
    Same, didn't restart the app, so easy and took me so much time to find an answer. Thanks a lot!
    August 23, 2022
    Wow, super concise and useful. Very easy to read! Something I would have also liked to know why create-react-app does this and how to remove it. Overall great page, keep it up :)
    July 28, 2022
    Thanks, forgot to restart the app
    G Manikam
    May 12, 2022
    Still I am getting undefined
    May 10, 2022
    Even after the prefix, the variable still returns a string or undefined type value, can we somehow convert it into a string value only??
    Mario Alberto
    February 05, 2022
    Thanks, didn't know the env variable had to start with REACT_APP