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Volodymyr Hudyma
<FrontEndDeveloper />
Table Of Contents(Articles: 145)

TypeScript - Unknown vs. Any. What Is The Difference?

August 11, 2020

In TypeScript, there are 2 top types: any and unknown, that are both very similar, but unknown is much less permissive and type-safe counterpart of any...Read more


How To Create A Custom Matcher In Jest?

August 06, 2020

A matcher (or an assertion) is a function used to check for a particular condition. Jest offers a variety of matchers out-of-the-box, but sometimes there is a need to extend their functionality...Read more


JavaScript Operators That Are Not Often Used

August 01, 2020

JavaScript supports a lot of operators that serve many purposes, such as assigning, comparing values, performing arithmetic operations, and much more. As was to be expected, there are the most and the less popular ones...Read more


My Way Of Looking For The Perfect React Architecture

July 29, 2020

When someone asked Dan Abramov what is an optimal structure for React applications, he replied: "Move files around until it feels right". I thought it was a joke at first, and started trying different architectural approaches until I realized he was absolutely right...Read more


Redux Thunk vs. Redux Saga. The Differences.

July 25, 2020

Today, the vast majority of applications have to deal with asynchronous tasks. In React, there are 2 most popular libraries that allow you to handle them in an easy way...Read more


A Simple Guide To Generics In TypeScript

July 20, 2020

One of the main tools in the toolbox for producing reusable code is generic types. They allow the code to be used with a variety of types rather than a single one...Read more


How To Save Up To 50% Development Time In React?

July 16, 2020

Custom software development can be expensive because the development team creates an application from scratch. But there are a few things you can do to reduce the cost of developing a custom software solution...Read more


How To Create And Test Custom Hooks In React?

July 11, 2020

Hooks are functions that allow you to “hook into” React state and lifecycle features of functional components. React has a few built-in hooks, but sometimes you need to extend their functionality...Read more


Deploy Your React Application To Netlify (Full Guide, July 2020)

July 08, 2020

Building a website is only the first step in the launching process. There are a few more steps to be taken before the site goes live, and one of them is the deployment on hosting...Read more

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